After my own late diagnosis (aged 44), I became determined not to spend the rest of my life chasing my ADHD brain around the room. I wanted to take control.
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My own late diagnosis experience
Having lived four decades with undiagnosed ADHD, without realising it, I developed my own strategies to manage symptoms such as distractibility, inattention, disorganisation and motivation without knowing it was ADHD I was dealing with.
My very rewarding business life of almost 3 decades was probably fuelled greatly by my positive ADHD symptoms including creativity, hyperactivity, impulsivity, risk taking and resilience. Upon discovery that I had been dealing with ADHD all this time, I experienced a massive and sudden understanding of myself through a different lens and felt instantaneous relief, I became able to understand and forgive myself for many of my shortcomings. This was followed by “OK, so now what?”.
I became determined that I would not spend the rest of my life chasing my ADHD brain around the room. I wanted to gain control over my negative symptoms (especially impulsivity, emotional dysregulation and self medication) to avoid reliving some of my less proud moments from the past and to be able to create new success in my future having been through what was an exhilarating, exciting but also unpredictable and at times terrifying 20 years.
If you identify with my desire to take control, to leave behind the unpredictability which comes with an ADHD brain and start to take advantage of the superpowers you have thanks to your ADHD brain then get in touch with me so that I can share what I have learned with you and help you to transform YOUR life in a few hours. Yes, you did read that correctly.
Most people with ADHD have a very similar list of wishes and the most common traits people wish they didn’t have are actually the quickest and easiest ones to sort out. Time management, disorganisation, reliability and procrastination. Don’t waste time ‘learning about how these work in hours of wasted coaching sessions. ADHD-MAX PowerTool® doesn’t waste time teaching you about them, I upload replacement executive functions into your brain in only 2-hours. Why learn about them when you can just have them given to you? Speak to most ADHD coaches and ask them how they plan to fix your missing executive functions and see what they offer. Then decide whether you want to learn all about executive functions or whether you just want to have something which will make you appear more organised than most non-ADHD’ers
Trust me, you won’t look back!
Entrepreneurship with ADHD
Entrepreneurship is often where ADHD’ers feel most comfortable working due to not having to answer to a boss. ADHD’ers are often very creative and driven when the subject matter is motivating and interesting to them. Whilst we are ideas people and can forge ahead with interesting projects, we are often impulsive, disorganised, prone to procrastination and can struggle carrying projects through to completion. Not exactly the skillset your boss or your team relishes the idea of.
This is especially relevant when we are the only person working on a project as our ideal situation is to be the thinker, creator, and problem solver but when we also have to be the organiser things can start to fray at the edges as organisation and procrastination can be a real problem for us.
Coping mechanisms for ADHD disorganisation?
Neuroplasticity - Whilst the brain is able to change and with huge amounts of practice we can train our brain to be slightly less scatty, forgetful and erratic, this practice is hard work for normal people let alone ADHD’ers.
Learning tricks to grow our executive functions (underdeveloped in ADHD brains) is how I help clients improve their organisation, time management and overcome procrastination. Human brains are built to learn and change constantly but it requires staying power, something we already know we don’
t have. There is no time during a life in which learning and transformation isn’t an option but I always prefer a simpler, easier route. I call this ADHD-MAX PowerTool® and you can learn it in under 2 hours.
My ADHD coaching has transformed lives. Will yours be the next?
Max Lawrence (49), ADHD Business Coach, Serial Entrepreneur., Diagnosed ‘Combined Type’ ADHD in 2019. Proud father of an amazing ADHD teenager.