From my years of coaching ADHD entrepreneurs and professionals I know that receiving just 6 or 12 weeks of coaching doesnt crack the problem.
My InToCalm® method will transform your organisation and management of both TIME and COMMUNICATION which are the keys to unlocking success throughout your personal and entrepreneurial life, once and for all.
You will be using this InToCalm® method within a week of starting ADHDMAX Freedom Engine 365 and you will need support to make it stick and to continue to reliably thriving for the rest of the year. This is how I make sure that you haven’t simply learned, implemented and are benefitting from it but that you continue to do so, enabling your personal and business dreams to come true.
Think of it as learning to ride a bicycle but having invisible stabiliser wheels on your bike for a whole year to catch you when you wobble (as we do, a lot with ADHD!).
InToCalm® Coaching - Accountability - Support - Community = Sustainable Success
Don’t waste any more time waiting for the right time to transform your life. TODAY is the most important day ever! No waiting to get started.
🚀 Includes Max’s unique method InToCalm® and other life changing techniques presented over 12 weeks through video on demand modules. Includes organisational, emotional and entrepreneurial aspects of ADHD success.
🌍 12 Months (yes, 52 live group coaching sessions on Zoom) with Max to coach you through all your questions about how to apply the new way of functioning to your own particular situation and brain.
👁️ Small weekly Accountability Groups - to hold you to your tasks and achieve your goals.
‼️ Use the 6 weekly Drop-In, Scheduled, Hyper-Focus CoWorking Groups to actually get stuff done.
🧠 Video recordings Vault to catch up on any missed group session. You won’t miss out if you don’t make the session.
👣 Lifetime membership of ADHDMAX’s Thrive Community through our WhatsApp group. You are never alone.
💲 Entrepreneur’s weekly group workshop to get your business or business idea growing without mishaps (twice monthly).
🧰 ADHDMAX’s guide to choosing the right tools to fit your ADHD struggles and to automate your boring admin tasks.
💲 Live Mastermind sessions on particular topics by Max and guest speakers (twice monthly).
📀 Bonus Coaching Videos on useful ADHD topics for those difficult moments.
‼️ Bolt-on 1-2-1 coaching sessions when you need them*
⌚️ Weekly group coaching session every Monday at 10 am to midday (UK time).
▶️ Recordings in your video vault for when you can’t make it.
✅ Funding available through Access To Work
The Complete 12-month ADHD Coaching Support Program & your Online-Tribe making sure you are making it all the way.
Click the + to read more
Live weekly group coaching sessions to enable everyone to ask the questions they have about the stage they are individually at and to learn not only from me but from each other. Get help with your present issues here.
+ Clarity sessions for moments when you are at a crossroads.
++ Co-working spaces cutting procrastination and boosting accountability.
The 12 main concepts which I am coaching you in are contained on coaching videos (of me talking to you). These videos introduce you to each new concept, answer most common questions and enable you to start taking action in new directions. Of course you will have more questions and you might struggle at times but thats where the live coaching sessions come to the rescue! There you will be able to ask me anything you need to, in order to fine tune your sue of the new knowledge delivered in the videos.
In-To-Cal Method® is my signature life transforming method for ADHD brains - developed 17 years before my own ADHD diagnosis, designed by trial and error over a period of 3 years. Conceived through my stubborn desire to overcome the debilitating stress and overwhelm of ADHD which handcuffed me in a disorganised, forgetful and unreliable way of living and working. It’s far more challenging to create a simple solution than a complex one.
These Master Classes are talks in which I and other speakers selected carefully by me talk with a strong focus on particular issues. Generally these happen every two weeks.
+ ADHD Meds optimisation discussions. (how to get your psychiatrist working for you).
++ ADHD & Addictions (learn to curtail behaviours and substances which will derail your brain and your business).
The members only WhatsApp group is the place for us to all stick together and be there for each other whenever any of us need support, advice or just to have a laugh.
As we are all at different stages of our transformation, the group is a place where you will always find answers to whichever spot you are in on any day.
This is our safe place to hang out with others we can identify with and to normalise what is often making us stand out in neuro typical society.
The ingenuity and creativity in the group is astounding and a place to develop ideas with other smart ADHD brains.
Everyone is part of a small accountability team. I will coach you all how to hold each other accountable around the things you each know you want and need to get done. Every week, we’ll be checking in with you to discuss and set new targets and goals encouraging you all the way to ensure you’re hitting them!
Together we are better!
I have a collection of super smart tech tips I like to teach ADHD’ers about and how to use them to massively improve your work productivity.
+ Searchlight Spot checks. Keeping you on your toes and moving forwards, always.
Spaces cutting procrastination, no distractions, get s**t done. Team will be there to keep you on track, etc. Short timed sessions, etc.
Why is noone taught basic financial planning at school? I’m pretty convinced that if we were, the banks would have gone out of business because they make their money from everyone’s (not only ADHD’ers) lack of money management and wealth planning skills!
Its never too late to learn about money and that is what we will be doing here. How to make it, save it, spend it and invest it.
In the UK, the department of work and pensions access to work scheme provide people diagnosed with ADHD with a grant to help them. tostay in work. The process of applying is lengthy (taking around 3 months) but you can apply and request that your ADHD group Coaching program is covered by the coaching part of your grant. For more information go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/access-to-work-factsheet/access-to-work-factsheet-for-customers
Who Is ADHD 365 Freedom Engine Perfect For?
ADHD Entrepreneurs
Many of us are tempted by entrepreneurship in life for a bunch of reasons. Here we are going to develop your ADHD from an entrepreneurial liability into a brilliant paying asset. The coaching is focussed on our ADHD and how to build and grow a new business and how to get unstuck and channel growth in an existing business. I have 30 years of my own entrepreneurial mistakes, successes and regrets and I intend to share all I know and wish I had known earlier in order to benefit your own entrepreneurial endeavours.
ADHD Professionals
The world of the ADHD employee is a tricky one which requires different viewpoints depending on the individual. How to keep your job, how to get promoted, how to survive and even thrive through bullying in the work pace. How to do all this whilst not letting on that you really don’t like your job?! And if this is the case then how to get out of the job and into something you really love the idea of doing. Maybe even your own business?
University Students with ADHD
This group coaching program is also ideal for University students who are struggling (probably in the 2nd of 3rd years of your degree. Productivity is an issue dispite you being a brilliant student, an excellent learner and probably on target to become an excellent mind in your field. Yes, if only you could get the work done on time! There is lots for you here and the accountability groups are going to really save your bacon!
Get the ongoing support and coaching you need.
Price is comparable to 3 months of good 1-2-1 coaching.
Payment plan available.
Are you an ADHD Coach or Virtual Assistant ?
Training and certification available for ADHD coaches to learn my organisational system InToCalm® and to fill in that common gap in ADHD coaching around actually providing your client with a solid and reliable way to overcome the key issues of TIME MANAGEMENT, INBOX MADNESS and a far better solution to replace TO DO LISTS.
Since turning my focus to coaching other ADHD entrepreneurs in 2021, I realised that the method of managing my time and my communications, many years before I would be diagnosed as ADHD was actually something which I have been able to help others implement with great success.
In my discussions with other ADHD coaches over the years, many of whom are ADHD’ers themselves (just like me), I realised when I asked them the question “how do you help your ADHD clients to manage their time, inboxes and to do lists and to help them to avoid what I call ‘micro failures’ such as forgetting meetings or commitments or double booking themselves and how they manage the inbox monster and endless, stressful to do lists?” through their super candid responses which were often that they had still not completely managed to get that sorted in their own ADHD lives. This if course is very understandable as there is so much information out there online which is contradictory and is often based around premises which I knew to be incorrect when it comes to the ADHD mind from all of my two and a half years of trial and error whilst trying to crack the problem for myself.
My 6 key discoveries which enabled me to crack the problem were that:
Paper is our enemy.
Smart organisational apps promising all sorts of incredible functionality are not helpful to the easily distractible ADHD mind which rarely has the frustration tolerance required to persevere through the learning curve of such wonder-apps.
[continued on link below]